Mocha Fiction Wiki

Okay Rating

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MIC for this wiki. (

MIC or Mocha's Image Code is similar to a QR code, however, it is always much smaller and faster read due to its superior ordering and it's small size - between a third and a quarter of the corresponding QR code. The only downside is that there's no error margin like the huge one provided with a QR code, but it's still pretty good. There are 8 standard encodings for different length text. The MIF-5, MIF-8, and MIF-15 encodings are used for url shorteners, with one of the letter blocks reserved for the letter code of the shortener in MIF-5, and in MIF-8 and MIF-15 this is usually the first character. MIF-24 and MIF-32 are usually used for links as well, or a sentence. MIF-50 is usually used for Contact information, as it can hold a name, a phone number, and an email address. MIF-96 is typically for encoding a particularly long MIF-50, or an MIF-50 with a backup copy. It's also used for triple copies of an MIF-32, but this is less common. The monstrous MIF-450 is for storing a paragraph of information. The final MIF encoding, MIF-3844, is used for housing pages of documents or complex code. The number after MIF refers to the number of ASCII characters it can store. Each color rectangle in the images below is a character block. These blocks are read left to right, top to bottom. MIF-5 and MIF-15 are called Flush encodings since the characters are flush against the bottom border as opposed to the 2 pixel safety gap in the other encodings.

